Była pastorem, została STRIPTIZERKĄ! [GORĄCE ZDJĘCIA]

2020-09-24 13:08

Szokująca przemiana amerykańskiej striptizerki! Dziś dla Nikole Mitchell (36 l.) z los Angeles nie ma zbyt nagiego zdjęcia, by wrzucić je do sieci i na tym zarobić. Ale zaczynała swoją zawodową karierę jako... wyświęcony pastor kościoła baptystycznego.

Kiedy spojrzeć na zdjęcia, które Nikole Mitchell (36 l.) z los Angeles wrzuca do internetu, nie sposób domyślić się, jaką przeszłość ma ta naga influenserka. Zdawałoby się przecież, że nie ma zbyt nagiego zdjęcia, by wrzucić je do sieci i na tym zarobić - bo część fotek jest płatna. Ale choć trudno w to uwierzyć, Nikole zaczynała jako... wyświęcony pastor kościoła baptystycznego.

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I see this happen all too often. Someone tries to manifest something they want, they try to make it happen, it doesn't happen... & a feeling of powerlessness washes over them. And they create stories about it. "It just wasn't meant to be." "I knew it wasn't going to work out." "Things never go the way I want." "I don't even know why I try." "It's just not in the cards for me." They take their experience as the definition of who they are, what they are worthy of, & what they are capable of. When it's supposed to be the other way around! - When you KNOW what you're capable of, even when others don't. - When you KNOW what you're going to achieve, even when you have no evidence that that'll be so. - When you KNOW that it's only a matter of time before your external world matches your internal truth, when your physical surroundings match your divine calling. ?When you decide that you will STILL RISE. ?You are unstoppable. ?You are absolutely worthy of what you want. ?And you get to have it all. It's just a matter of time. There's no giving up. There's only giving IN to your dreams and desires. This is when manifestation starts working for you. When you decide internally what is true for you, & you hold that vision until it is born into your physical reality. It's about putting things into motion, through faith, energy, & a few practical steps I'll be teaching you, & allowing the Universe to work its magic. Because as soon as you desire something, know you're worthy of it, & put it out there, the Universe starts rearranging everything to give you what you want. But you have to hold the faith, especially when you can't see HOW it's going to work out! The How is not your job. The Desire is your job. The Why is your job. The Faith is your job. The rest? Gets to happen FOR you. Manifesting is as much ACTION as it is ALLOWING. It's this beautiful dance of creation and surrender, faith and action, peace and purpose, love and trust that results in you having it all. Today is the last day to enroll in Mastering the Art of Manifestation. I’d love to have you in there. Link’s in my bio. DM me w/any questions. And let’s do this.??? ?: @krazedphotography Post udostępniony przez Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole)

"Pochodzę z konserwatywnej rodziny. Uczono mnie, że moje ciało jest złe i grzeszne. Od dawna potajemnie marzyłam o zostaniu striptizerką. W końcu zostałam pastorem, by móc występować przed ludźmi. Jednak któregoś dnia po prostu nie przyszłam na mszę" - opowiada Nikole dla "New York Post". Oczywiście 36-latka poszła z duchem czasu i zamiast wić się na rurze, wije się w internecie. Kto wie, co jeszcze przyjdzie jej do głowy i kim zostanie w przyszłości?

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